Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Watering can "Cock"

As I said the "Cock" serial continues. Now you can see third cock. This time on the watering can. I hope this is the last one.

Watering can "Cock"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Another cock

Since I bought theese napkins with cocks they catch me. I decorated three objects with them and I don't want to stop. After creating two first cutting boards I remembered I have another one napkin with cock (from exchange with other crafters). So another cock started its walk.

Cutting board "Cock walks"

I am sorry for poor photography. I took him five minutes before selling with previous two cutting boards

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter is coming

The spring is here. The sun is shining more and more. All market is full of Easter decorations and gifts. Some new napkins I bought gave me new ideas. It's not completely about Easter but around this

Cutting board "Cock"

Cutting board "Patchwork"

Soon in my shop...
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